Here are the hourly and page rates for my work. If you would like a fixed price quote for your project, please use the form on the Contact page and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Please note that these are the rates for commercial work. If you are looking for personal commissions, or other types of non-commercial work, please get in touch at You can also order personal commissions from my new VGen page.
Illustration and graphic design work
- Hourly rate of £25.
- Daily rate of £200.
- Minimum fixed price per project of £200.
- Rate per minute (not including storyboards) of £1000.
- Storyboard rate per page (six frames) of £120.
- Animatic (storyboard edited into video format) rate per minute of £200.
- Any audio must be *provided by the client*.
- Standard slide rate of £25.
- Minimum rate for slides with custom graphics or illustration of £50.
- Minimum rate for slides with custom animation of £100.
- Minimum fixed price per presentation of £250.
- Black and white/ greyscale page rate of £120.
- Full colour page rate of £200.
- Minimum fixed price per comic of £240.
- For pencilling, inking or colouring rates, please get in touch.